Sunday, September 30, 2007

9/30 aka rager, severe, and pizza

great's the break down:
-bill fortune came, played a shit ton of halo 3, got drunk with jocks and watched bill yell at girls.
-walked home, watched college happen all around me.
-dinner at north star.
-our show-every band killed it, including us (i think?) which is surprising, as we hadn't played together since march.
-grabbed drinks at larry's after the show with some old friends and played catch up.
-caught up on weeds. i can't stand mary louise parker, but for some reason i can't stop watching this ridiculous show.
-browsed the antique mall for a bit with shawn, andy, and josh.
-went to dinner with shawn, josh, molly, and caroline at haha's pizza in yellow springs. amazing, as always.

that's really it. it doesn't seem like much, but it was good to see everyone at the show and hang out. it's not like i don't see most of the columbus kids every weekend, but still, shows are always a good time. i have a lot to do this week (including a paper i should be doing right now), but it shouldn't be too bad. i got messages from a certain girl in europe that made me really happy, so that was nice...speaking of which, i need to save my money really badly. flights are like 800 or so to paris from what i can tell, so i'll need at least 1400 for a week long trip (taking into account shopping expenses).

maybe i should try not buying so much useless shit...

(i'm thinking about getting an iphone)

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