Wednesday, November 28, 2007

11/28 aka my top 10 records of 2007

the year is drawing to an end, which means i get to pretend that people care what i have to say about music and compile a top 10 list. 2007 had some pretty okay releases, and it was a year of music development for me personally, beginning with seeing devourment at central illinois metal fest. anyhow, here is the list, complete with links to listen to the bands. that's effort, right there.
10.gentleman jesse and his men - i don't wanna know 7"
9.psychedelic horseshit - magic flowers droned
8.times new viking - the paisley reich
7.burial - untrue
6.blitzen trapper - wild mountain nation
5.yelle - pop and labor - mapmaker's end girlfriend - hurtbreak wonderland
2.celestia - apparitia - sumptuous spectre
1.alcest - souvenirs d'un autre monde

so, there you have it...really shitty year for hip hop (aside from gucci mane).

Monday, November 12, 2007

11/12 aka my so called strife

fuck this weather. this entry won't be about the weather, don't worry. but, fuck it. warm is better.

so a weird thing happened while i was volunteering at an after school program for 1st-7th graders. for whatever reason, the woman who is in charge of the entire program decided that all of the kids needed to be shown a slide show e-mail that she received. the moral of the e-mail was to appreciate what you have because other people have it worse off than you do, etc. the pictures of 'other people' that were placed next to the pictures of more 'normal', albeit disappointed children, were that of somalian children. you know, the starving ones. the ones that look close to death. in fact, one of the photos was of a dead child but had a caption about going to bed on time. the thing that killed me was that the chain letter ended with a threat to the reader about forwarding it to a certain amount of people. as in, you'll have bad luck if you don't send this to 15 people. the other coordinators and i were in shock over what we saw/what had just been shown to 1st graders.

then i came up with the theory that the woman who had the chain letter shown is very superstitious and just had gotten e-mail for the first time, so she was taking the threat at the end of the chain letter extremely seriously and decided to show it to all of the children in her program. good thinking, lady.

Monday, October 29, 2007

10/29 aka set your goals and mannie fresh

i'm seeing set your goals tonight...
but that surprisingly isn't what this is about.
watch that video and come back to me. go ahead, i'll wait.

i love mannie fresh, i always have. any dude that includes the lyrics "big titties, big cities" in their songs is okay in my book. however, the above video completely blew my mind the first time i saw is a video/track about obtaining/cutting up/dealing coke with a bunch of children in the video and a bunch of children singing the hook. i should be offended, but i think it is completely hilarious and it made me like mannie fresh even more, just because it is so out of hand. i mean, why did he even think about having children sing the hook? when you're writing a song about trap houses and such, do you usually think about little kids?
then again, mannie also came up with the lyrics "i'm still hood rich bitch, you know who i are. they don't wanna fuck me they wanna fuck my car", and "throwin' big chairs, pushin' down stairs. disrespectin' hoes, pullin' out weave hairs."
it's really hard not to love mannie fresh, trust me, but i can't help but wonder if he would appreciate me as much i him if we ever hung out.

i think we'd get along just fine.

Friday, October 19, 2007

10/19 aka homesluming

even though it doesn't feel like fall, it is fall.
want to know how i know? i know because it is homecoming at my wonderful university.
essentially this means that the bars are more crowded and there is an abundance of older people reliving the glory days. i can't imagine coming back here year after year for a weekend of debauchery...i think i'd feel silly acting like a child again. that's not to say that everyone goes nuts, but it is depressing to me to see grown ass men and women acting like children. then again, i've seen what goes on outside of ICP concerts, and nothing can compare to that.

in other news, i saw a boring show at the wexner center last week. grizzly bear and beach house. musically the bands were great, especially beach house, but i guess i just wasn't in the mood for a mellow show. i liked beach house more out of the two, though.

nothing else is really going on...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

10/8/07 aka loud and fast weekend

thank goodness for ear plugs.

friday night i ventured to the wexner center to see boris. saturday i had a few people over for the football game and then we went to see toxic holocaust at the rivari room. it was really fast and really good, in fact, that going to carabar to see more bands play was a bad idea. regardless, though, it was a fun night.

i'm really into it being hot still, but apparently it is going to cool down this week...bummer, brah.

i've been playing halo 3 a lot recently, maybe that's why i'm not doing as well in my classes as i should...

Monday, October 1, 2007

10/1 aka french pop and inky gets glamour shots

i have no idea why, but this morning i woke up and had yelle's 'ce jeu' in my head. here is a video of the song live, and an mp3 of it. basically, it has put me in a good mood for the day, and hopefully the week. i need to dj a night somewhere one of these days and play some of this shit, it's terrible of me to keep it to myself.

i'm letting one of my friends photograph my tattoo today because she is doing a body modification ish for photography, so that should be fun. i'm thinking i won't pose nude, but i totally should...or at least put a sock on.

that's a terrible idea.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

9/30 aka rager, severe, and pizza

great's the break down:
-bill fortune came, played a shit ton of halo 3, got drunk with jocks and watched bill yell at girls.
-walked home, watched college happen all around me.
-dinner at north star.
-our show-every band killed it, including us (i think?) which is surprising, as we hadn't played together since march.
-grabbed drinks at larry's after the show with some old friends and played catch up.
-caught up on weeds. i can't stand mary louise parker, but for some reason i can't stop watching this ridiculous show.
-browsed the antique mall for a bit with shawn, andy, and josh.
-went to dinner with shawn, josh, molly, and caroline at haha's pizza in yellow springs. amazing, as always.

that's really it. it doesn't seem like much, but it was good to see everyone at the show and hang out. it's not like i don't see most of the columbus kids every weekend, but still, shows are always a good time. i have a lot to do this week (including a paper i should be doing right now), but it shouldn't be too bad. i got messages from a certain girl in europe that made me really happy, so that was nice...speaking of which, i need to save my money really badly. flights are like 800 or so to paris from what i can tell, so i'll need at least 1400 for a week long trip (taking into account shopping expenses).

maybe i should try not buying so much useless shit...

(i'm thinking about getting an iphone)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

9/27 aka captain skamerica


first off, shame on me for having a blog.
second, shame on you for reading it.

now that that's out of the way, here's what's up...

my band's first show since this past spring is saturday at the monster house (155 w. 10th st. in columbus)

i have a free city hoodie arriving tomorrow, it might be too small. if it's too small, i'll probably sell it on eBay and turn a profit because people that use the internet aren't smart...or are deceptive girls on myspace.

music you should be listening to:
set your goals (still)
waking the cadaver

clothes you should be buying:
free city

books you should be reading:
god is not great (how religion poisons everthing)

the walking dead

that's really about it...i can assure you that this shit right here will get better with time.

or worse.